Get inter Financial Account Transfers (need access to Daily Spending Report)

This API endpoint retrieves a list of inter-financial account transfers, which involve the movement of funds between different financial accounts. It is essential for generating the Daily Spending Report and understanding the flow of money across accounts.

Body Parameters:

  • take (int32 | null):
    Specifies the number of inter-financial account transfers to retrieve per request (pagination). Setting this to null retrieves all results at once.
  • afterCursor (string | null):
    A cursor string for fetching the next batch of inter-financial account transfers (used for pagination). It allows you to continue retrieving transfers from where the previous request stopped.
  • fromDate (date-time | null):
    The starting date for the inter-financial account transfers report. Only transfers occurring on or after this date will be returned. Example: 2024-10-09T14:50:02.137Z.
  • toDate (date-time | null):
    The ending date for the inter-financial account transfers report. Only transfers occurring on or before this date will be included. Example: 2024-10-09T14:50:02.137Z.
  • jsonFilter (string | null):
    A JSON-formatted string for applying custom filters to the inter-financial account transfers query. This could include conditions such as transfer types, specific accounts involved, or transaction statuses.



The POST /Report/interFinancialAccountTransfers API facilitates retrieving data on transfers between different financial accounts, making it a crucial tool for reporting and financial analysis. It supports pagination, date filtering, and custom filtering, allowing users to generate comprehensive reports on inter-account fund movements.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!