Get a list of special notifications by filter's params

The GET /netevia/support/notifications API method retrieves a filtered list of special notifications in the Netevia banking application. It allows users to customize the query by specifying parameters like date range, notification type, or user ID, ensuring only relevant notifications are returned.


  • Retrieve Special Notifications: Fetch a list of notifications based on applied filters.
  • Customizable Queries: Use query parameters to narrow down notifications by type, date, or user information.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Filtering: Retrieve notifications using various filters, including date ranges, types of notifications, and user-specific data.
  • Targeted Results: Focus on the most relevant notifications to save time and improve efficiency in handling alerts.


The API responds with a list of notifications that match the provided filter criteria. Each notification will include details such as the timestamp, type, and content.



The GET /netevia/support/notifications endpoint offers a customizable way to retrieve notifications based on specific parameters such as date, type, and user. This helps users access relevant information and alerts quickly, improving the overall experience in managing support notifications.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!