Recent Payees

API Method: GET /recentPayees


This API method retrieves a list of recently used payees associated with a user's account. It is used in banking applications to display the most recent payees to whom the user has made payments or transferred funds. This helps improve user experience by allowing quick access to frequently used payees during future transactions.


GET /recentPayees


  • Purpose: Fetches a list of payees (individuals or entities) that the user has recently made payments to, enabling the user to easily initiate new payments or transfers without re-entering payee information.
  • User Flow: Typically, this endpoint is used in the payment or transfer section of a banking app to populate a dropdown or suggestion list with recent payees, allowing the user to quickly select someone they've paid before.

Request Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer token required to authenticate the user and authorize access to their recent payee information.
  • Content-Type: application/json


  • 200 OK: Returns a JSON array containing details of the most recent payees. Each payee object includes relevant information such as payee name, account number, and the last payment date.

  • 401 Unauthorized: If the bearer token is invalid or expired, indicating that the user is not properly authenticated.

  • 500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue retrieving the recent payees due to a server-side error.


  • This endpoint is useful for simplifying repeat payments and improving user convenience.
  • The list is typically ordered by the most recent payment date, allowing users to see the payees they interacted with most recently at the top of the list.
  • The accountNumber field is usually masked for security purposes, showing only the last few digits.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!