Archive/Restore digital card

This API allows for the cancellation of a previously purchased gift card, and the corresponding amount will be credited back to the customer's funding account. Once the card is deleted, it will no longer appear in the list retrieved by the GET /api/giftCards/orders API.

When sending the request, the following data must be included:

  “brandId”: “adidas-usa”,  // The ID of the brand, obtained from the **GET `/api/giftCards/brands`** API (e.g., "adidas-usa").
  “faceAmount”: 5000,  // The value of the gift card, provided in cents. This can be chosen from fixed amounts, as listed in the brand details:
      "digitalDenominations": [
  // Or selected from a range if the brand allows custom amounts:
      "digitalFaceValueLimits": {
        "lower": 500,  // Minimum value allowed.
        "upper": 50000,  // Maximum value allowed.
        "minorUnit": 1  // The smallest unit (in cents) that can be used.

  “oneTimeCode”: “code from SMS”,  // The one-time code sent to the customer via SMS for verification.
  “secureOperationType”: “ShortMessageCode”,  // Specifies the type of secure operation being performed, in this case, SMS verification.
  “fromFinancialAccountId”: “123456789”,  // The ID of the financial account from which the amount will be deducted or refunded.
  “rewardsPoints”: null  // This field is not required, as points-based gift card orders are handled by a different API (`/api/UsersReward/exchange/giftcard`).

Important Notes:

  • Brand and Amount: The brandId must correspond to a valid brand, and the faceAmount must match the available denominations for that brand or fall within the allowed range.
  • Verification: A one-time SMS code is required for security, ensuring that only authorized users can cancel or purchase a gift card.
  • Rewards Points: This field is not applicable for cash-based transactions, as gift cards purchased through reward points are managed via a separate API (/api/UsersReward/exchange/giftcard).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!