Search for business account holders

The POST /api/AccountsSearch/BusinessAccountHolder endpoint allows users to search for business account holders within the banking system. By providing specific search parameters in the request body, the API retrieves relevant details about business accounts, such as account holder information, account status, and other related data. This method facilitates efficient account management, enabling customer service and administrative operations to retrieve and manage business accounts based on various criteria.


This API is used to search for and retrieve details about business account holders within the banking application, making it easie to manage and oversee business accounts.


Upon a successful request, the API returns a list of business accounts that match the provided search criteria.

Key Features:

  • Search for Business Account Holders: Enables users to search for business accounts using various parameters like business name, account ID, or status.
  • Retrieve Detailed Information: The response provides detailed information about the business account holder, account status, and associated metadata.
  • Flexible Search Criteria: Supports multiple search parameters to fine-tune the search based on different account attributes.



The POST /api/AccountsSearch/BusinessAccountHolder endpoint is a powerful tool for retrieving information about business account holders. It streamlines account management by allowing users to search based on various parameters, such as business name or account status. This feature is critical for customer support, account administration, and partner services, ensuring quick and secure access to business account data.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!