Change personal email address with OTP

This API allows personal customers to update their registered email address in the system using a one-time password (OTP) for secure verification. It ensures that individual users can keep their email addresses up to date for seamless communication regarding their accounts.

Body Parameters:

  • email (string, required):
    The new email address that the personal customer wishes to register. The length must be at least 1 character.
    Example: "".
  • oneTimeCode (string, required):
    The one-time password (OTP) for verifying the user's identity and authorizing the email change. The length must be at least 1 character.
    Example: "654321".
  • secureOperationType (string, required):
    Specifies the type of secure operation. For changing the email address, this value should be "ShortMessageCode" to ensure that the operation is protected.

Use Case:

  • Email Address Update:
    Personal customers can use this API to change their registered email address, ensuring they receive account notifications and communications at the correct address.
  • Enhanced Security:
    The use of an OTP ensures that only the account owner can update the email address, providing additional security against unauthorized changes.



The POST /api/account/changeEmailOtp API allows personal customers to securely update their email addresses by verifying their identity with an OTP. This endpoint is crucial for maintaining accurate contact information and ensuring secure communication regarding customer accounts.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!