Earned Wage Access

This API allows a bank client to check the availability and conditions of the Earned Wage Access (EWA) service. The response provides information about whether the service is enabled, the maximum EWA amount, upcoming pay dates, and other relevant details.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/PinW/earnedWageAccess
  • Authentication: The request is made under the bank client's credentials (typically using an authentication token or session).


The API returns information about Earned Wage Access, such as availability, terms, and conditions. The response structure is as follows:

  "connectedFinancialAccountId": "string", // Account ID connected to EWA  
  "maxEwaAmount": "string",                // Maximum possible amount available for withdrawal  
  "nextPayDate": "string",                 // Estimated next salary date  
  "ewaPayDate": "string",                  // Date of EWA payout  
  "fee": 0,                                // Fee for using the EWA service  
  "currentStatus": {  
    "isActive": true,                      // Indicates if the EWA service is active  
    "frequency": 0,                        // Type of service: 0 (one-time), 1 (recurring)  
    "userOwnsMoney": true,                 // Whether the service is in process (e.g., waiting for repayment)  
    "ewaAmount": 0                         // Amount approved for EWA payout  

Field Descriptions:

  • connectedFinancialAccountId: (string) The account ID to which Earned Wage Access is connected.
  • maxEwaAmount: (string) The maximum amount of wages the client can withdraw under the Earned Wage Access program.
  • nextPayDate: (string, Date) The expected date of the client's next salary payment.
  • ewaPayDate: (string, Date) The date when Earned Wage Access funds will be made available.
  • fee: (number) The service fee associated with using Earned Wage Access.
  • currentStatus: (object) Details about the current status of the Earned Wage Access service.
  • isActive: (boolean) Whether the Earned Wage Access service is currently active.
  • frequency: (integer) The type of Earned Wage Access service:
    • 0 - One time
    • 1 - Every Paycheck
  • userOwnsMoney: (boolean) Whether the service is in progress, meaning the client is using or repaying the funds.
  • ewaAmount: (number) The amount of money approved for the Earned Wage Access service.

Example Response:

  "connectedFinancialAccountId": "123456789",  
  "maxEwaAmount": "500.00",  
  "nextPayDate": "2024-10-01",  
  "ewaPayDate": "2024-09-28",  
  "fee": 5,  
  "currentStatus": {  
    "isActive": true,  
    "frequency": 1,  
    "userOwnsMoney": true,  
    "ewaAmount": 200.00  
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!