Get authorization transactions

The POST API endpoint allows users to retrieve details of open authorization transactions for their account. This helps users review pending or authorized transactions that have not yet been fully settled.


  • Retrieves a list of open authorization transactions that are still pending or authorized but not fully processed.
  • Provides transaction details such as the amount, merchant, and authorization date.

Key Features:

  • Open Authorization Transactions: Retrieves pending or authorized transactions that have not yet been settled, allowing users to review their financial commitments.
  • Detailed Information: Includes transaction-specific data such as the amount, merchant, and authorization date.
  • Customizable Limits: Optionally limit the number of open authorization transactions returned.
  • Secure Access: Ensures that only authenticated users can access authorization data, maintaining privacy and security.


This API is particularly useful for users who need to track pending transactions and manage their authorized financial activities before they are settled.

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