Detach financial account to Authorized user

The /detachFromFinancialAccount API method is used to dissociate a financial account from a specific sub-user profile within the application. This action is vital for managing access permissions and account control, particularly in scenarios where a sub-user no longer requires access to a particular financial account.


  • Detach Financial Account: This API allows the primary user or administrator to remove a financial account from a sub-user profile. Once detached, the sub-user will no longer have access to the account, and any permissions or access rights associated with that account will be revoked.


Use Case:

This API is essential for situations where access management is required, such as when an employee or a business partner leaves an organization or no longer needs access to certain financial data. By using this endpoint, partners can ensure that sub-users only have access to relevant accounts and that security is maintained across the system.

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