Get payment cards

The GET /api/paymentCards/viewNickNames API method retrieves a list of payment cards associated with a user, displaying their assigned nicknames. This endpoint enhances user experience by allowing users to view the friendly names they’ve given to their cards, making it easier to identify and manage them.


This API is designed to help users quickly identify their payment cards through user-defined nicknames, facilitating better management of their card assets.


On successful retrieval of the card nicknames, the API returns a structured list containing card identifiers and their corresponding nicknames.



The GET /api/paymentCards/viewNickNames endpoint provides users with an easy way to view their payment cards along with the friendly nicknames they've assigned. By returning a structured response containing card identifiers and their corresponding nicknames, this API enhances card management and user experience, making it simpler for users to identify and organize their financial assets.

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