
Partners can access Netevia's banking services by using their provided username, password, and Partner ID. First, authenticate via to receive an access token. Use this token and your Partner ID to call approved APIs securely.

To help partners get started with accessing and using Netevia's banking services, here's a step-by-step instruction you can include in your API reference:

Partner API Access Guide

This section explains how partners can authenticate and securely access our backend services using their partner credentials. Partners will need to follow these steps to integrate with our platform.

1. Obtain Partner Credentials

To access the Netevia API, each partner must first obtain a username and password, which are provided during the onboarding process. These credentials are essential for authenticating API requests and ensuring secure communication. If you haven't received your credentials yet, please reach out to us at or to get started.

2. Authenticate via API

Once you have your username and password, you can authenticate using the following API endpoint:


On a successful authentication request, you will receive a token (with the lifetime of 10 minutes) in the response. This token will be used for subsequent API calls.

3. Access Authorized API

After receiving the access token, you can begin making authorized API calls. Make sure to include the token in the request header for all API requests.

You also need to refer to your Partner ID when making authorized API requests. The Partner ID helps identify which API resources are available to you based on your specific permissions.

4. Example API Call Using Partner ID

Here’s an example of how to make an API call after authorization:


Request Header Example:

    "NickName": "Partner1",
    "Password": "ZxcDFSRjhjUYTRS",
    "TokenDevice": "Server",
    "NameDevice": "Netevia"

 Response example

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiasdasdsadasIkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiMSIsImJhbmtpbmctcm9sZSI6Ik5ldGV2aWFBcHBsaWNhdGlvbiIsInJ0cyI6IjEiLCJvdWlkIjoiMSIsIm5iZiI6MTcyODAasdasdasdasoxNzI4MDM5MTY2LCJpc3MiOiJCYW5raW5nV2ViIiwiYXVkIjoiQmFua2luZ0NsaWVudCJ9.pKG27ESDr7hHWzC6GA2nIXUWsrGpuSLWVZ6HV8lWzyQ",
    "expiration": "2024-10-04T10:52:46.4946013Z",
    "userId": 1

5. Error Handling

Ensure to handle authentication errors properly, such as invalid credentials or expired tokens. Always check for 401 Unauthorized responses and refresh the token when necessary.

6. Accessing APIs

Partners will have access only to the APIs that have been approved for them based on their permissions. Make sure to refer to your integration documentation for specific APIs available to your account.

These steps will allow partners to authenticate, access the approved APIs, and integrate their frontend with Netevia’s backend services.