Create Virtual Payment Card via Partner System

The POST /api/paymentCards/v2/openPartnerCardVirtual API method allows users to create a virtual payment card through a partner's system. This endpoint is designed to facilitate the generation of virtual cards with specific attributes, enhancing user convenience and security in online transactions.


This API method enables users to generate a virtual payment card tailored to their needs, including attributes like card limits and expiration dates, while integrating seamlessly with partner systems.


Upon successful creation of the virtual card, the API will return a structured response

Key Features:

  • Immediate Use: Users can begin using the virtual card for online transactions immediately after creation.
  • Customizable Limits: The ability to set card limits enhances financial control and management.
  • Integration with Partner Systems: Facilitates seamless collaboration with partner organizations for streamlined operations.



The POST /api/paymentCards/v2/openPartnerCardVirtual endpoint provides a secure and efficient way for users to create virtual payment cards through partner systems. By allowing customization of card attributes, this API enhances user experience while ensuring robust financial control and security for online transactions.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!