Create a new special notification

The POST /netevia/support/notifications API method allows users to create new special notifications within the Netevia banking application. This API is used to send customized alerts or updates to specific users by providing details such as the notification type, recipient information, and content.


  • Create New Notifications: Allows the creation of a special notification to be delivered to users.
  • Send Targeted Alerts: Specify recipient details and message content to send personalized updates or alerts.

Key Features:

  • Custom Notification Creation: Define the type, recipient(s), and message content of the notification.
  • Confirmation Response: On success, returns the newly created notification's ID and status.
  • Targeted Communication: Allows sending notifications to specific users or groups with precise content and context.



The POST /netevia/support/notifications endpoint enables the creation of new, special notifications in the banking app. It is ideal for sending alerts or updates to selected users by specifying the notification type, recipient, and content. A confirmation response ensures that the notification was successfully created.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!