Set monthly amount limit

The POST /api/spendRules/amountLimitMonthly API method allows users to set or update a monthly spending limit for their account. This endpoint enables users to control their spending by defining a maximum amount that can be spent within a given calendar month. This feature is especially useful for budgeting and financial management, providing users with control over their monthly expenditures.


This API helps users manage their financial activities by setting a limit on the total amount that can be spent from the account within a month. It is designed to enhance budgeting practices, prevent overspending, and provide better control over account usage.

Key Features:

  • Budget Management: Users can set limits to control how much they spend in a given month, helping to manage personal or business budgets.
  • Spending Control: Prevents users from exceeding their predefined spending limit, ensuring that they stay within budgetary constraints.
  • Easy Updates: Allows users to update or modify the monthly limit as needed, providing flexibility in managing their finances.



The POST /api/spendRules/amountLimitMonthly endpoint allows users to set or update a monthly spending limit for their accounts, enhancing their ability to control expenses and manage their budget. This method provides users with greater financial oversight by limiting monthly expenditures, ensuring they remain within a defined budget for better financial management.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!