JUMP TOOverviewAuthenticationBoardingBoarding - AccountGet account information after submitgetUpload documentspostSend docs upload confirmationpostCreate main business profile datapostGet main profiles datagetCreate main perosnal profile datapostOnline Merchant ApplicationpostOnline Personal Customer ApplicationpostManage Online Merchant ApplicationpostManage Online Personal Customer ApplicationpostSet agent's datapostSend Personal customer datapostSend Primary, Authorized person and Owners datapostGet main profile data by IDgetGet main profile data by UserNamegetSend data to complete sign up procedurepostSearch Business ProfilesgetSearch Personal ProfilesgetGet linked Banking profile by mechantProfileID from NeteviagetSet linked Banking profile by mechantProfileID from NeteviapostBoarding - Financial accountsOpen financial accountspostGet financial accounts with detailsgetGet financial account numbergetDownload StatementsgetStatements for all profile's accountspostDownload Bank letter as PDFgetGet financial account activitypostRemove external accountpostApprove external accountpostReject external accountpostGet profile's payeesgetGet external accountsgetGet external account activitygetGet external account balancegetBoarding - Banking CardsCards Product SetgetGet card product's settingsgetIssue payment cardpostSuspend banking card temporarypostUnsuspend banking cardpostClose banking cardpostGet Payment cards listgetBoarding - Authorized usersGet all Authorized users payment cardsgetGet all Authorized users with payment cards, financial accounts and accessesgetBoarding - RewardsReward settings for profilepostBoarding - SettingsLock/Unlock customer temporarypostUnlock access for the customerpostSend ticket notificationpostUpdate Status main profilepostGet Status HistoriesgetLogin HistorygetGet devicesgetDisable MFA for the customer's authenticationpostDisable OTP for the customer's operationspostDisable MFA for the subuser's authpostDisable OTP for the subuser's operationspostSet settings for profilepostReset password and send emailpostSign UpUsers registrationUser Registration for Business AccountspostUser Registration for Personal AccountspostAccount verificationUpload new documents to make a final decision regarding account applicationpostUpload new documents to our cloud to make a final decision regarding account applicationpostSend docs upload confirmationpostSend docs upload confirmationpostRetrieve a list of required documentsgetRetrieve details about a specific product applicationgetSign InAuthorizationControlsUser Authorization Control MonitoringpostUser Authorization ControlgetUser Authorization Control DeletiondeleteRestore username/passwordPassword ManagementpostLogin Nickname ManagementpostReceive login(s) to emailpostPassword Reset via OTPpostRemove a forgotten password and create another onepostRestore login by emailpostAccountsSearchSearch for business account holderspostAuthAuthenticationpostAccount Recovery with OTP VerificationpostAccount Unlock and OTP ValidationpostAuthorize by Multi-Factor AuthenticationpostRefresh tokenpostGet linked user tokengetGet linked user vektorgetGet original user's tokengetExchange an existing authentication token for a new onepostUsersReceive account holder informationgetGet main profilegetCheck if login is freegetConnection to April Tax servicegetSubmit Additional ApplicationpostRetrieve a list of user upload sessionsgetFinancial accountFinancialAccountsReturn financial accountsgetReturn financial accountsgetGet only my open financial accountsgetGet only my open financial accountsgetOpen financial accountpostRename financial accountpostGet financial account numbers: will be remove to 1.03.2022getCheck financial accounts limitgetGet Cash flow at periodgetGet Cash flow at periodgetGet balancesgetDownload bank details by financial accountgetExternal Financial AccountsGet external financial account (payee)getGet external financial account (added thorugh finicity)getGet connection history of external accounts(added thorugh plaid and finicity)getGet external account activitygetCheck external accounts limitgetGet the list of external bank accountsgetRefresh and get the external account's balancegetGet link to connect external account added through FinicitygetGet link token to connect external account through PlaidLinkgetExchanges Plaid's public token to access tokenpostApplications connected to user's financial accountsgetStatementsDownload statements in PDF, CSV, QBO formatgetDownload statements in PDFgetDownload statements in CSVgetGenerate Comprehensive Account Statements for Specified PeriodpostStatements for many accounts (will be sent a email)postStatement's periodsgetSalary solutionsConnect Direct DepositgetEarned Wage AccessgetEnable/Disable EWApostTaxesConnection to April Tax servicegetBanking CardPaymentCardsGet Spending report for the cardpostGet Spending report for the card as xlsx filepostGet list of Payment cardsgetIssue Virtual Payment card with required parameterspostGet list of Payment cards V2getGet list of Payment CardsgetRequest New Payment Cards (Virtual or Physical)postIssue Burner card with required parameterspostOrder Physical cardpostOrder Physical card with required parameters (V2)postGet Payment card IDgetGet Payment card IDgetGet Payment card details by ID and additional parametersgetGet Payment card with limits datagetClose Payment CardpostSet PIN for payment cardpostActivate Payment card (Only for suspend card)postTemporary lock the cardpostGet Physical card order infogetCancel physical card order statuspostPayment card reissuepostPayment card reissuepost/api/paymentCards/cardFeaturesgetAdd payment card to Google walletpostAdd payment card to Apple walletpostGet payment cardsgetSet nickname for the payment cardpostGet all Authorized Users attachend payment cardsgetGet card designsgetCreate Virtual Payment Card via Partner SystempostRequest Physical Payment Card via PartnerpostSpendRulesSet amount limit for 1 transactionpostSet merchant countrypostSet merchant categorypostSet monthly amount limitpostSet Daily ATM Withdrawal LimitpostGet the "Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit"getDelete the "Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit"deleteGet the "Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit"getGet Spend rules by cardgetGet Spend rules by cardgetDetach all spend rules for cardpostDetach monthly limit for cardpostDetach all spend rules for card except monthly limitpostTransfersFundsMovementInitiate Batch TransferpostBatch adding external banking account number - PayeepostInitiate many ACH transfers from own accountpostInitiate many ACH transfers from own accountpostInitiate many transfers between financial accounts - Payee.postInitiate ACH transfer from own accountpostInitiate ACH transfer to own accountpostInitiate transfer funds between financial accounts with OTPpostAdd external banking account number - PayeepostAdd a new Netevia's account number - Payee.postInitiate transfer funds between financial accounts - Payee.postInitiate Transfer Between Financial AccountspostDelete external banking account number - PayeedeleteDelete Netevia's account number - Payee.postGet the list of Payees.getGet Payee by financialAccountIdgetGet the list of external bank accounts V2getGet ACH transfers historygetGet ACH transfer detailsgetConfirm Operation with One Time Code AuthenticationpostScheduledTransferDelete scheduled transferdeleteCreate scheduled transferpostUpdate scheduled transferputGet scheduled transfers listgetSearchClientsgetClientspostRecent Payeesgetget last 5 accounts after transfer pointsgetSearch business profilegetTransactionsFilesUpload File by FileType in requestpost/Files/UploadFilePublicpostGet imagegetGet transaction imagegetGet user's document (SSN, Driving License etc.) by FileType in requestgetPerform deleting user's document (SSN, Driving License etc.) by FileType in requestpostDelete both types of images (UserIcon and TransactionIcon)post/Files/public/{id}getGet CSV transfer file examplegetValidate CSV transfer filepostTransactionGet transaction historygetSet user's memo for card's transaction by IDpostGet transaction's details reportgetGet details of Transaction by IDgetGet Spending report for the cardgetGet last Financial account activitypostGet last Financial account activitypostRetrieve Recent Transactions by Financial AccountpostGet card spendinggetGet card balance informationgetTransactionEventsGet last transaction eventgetGet last transaction eventpostGet last transaction eventspostGet authorization transactionsgetGet authorization transactionspostGet authorization transactionspostGet transactions with authorization status includes: [AUTHORIZATION_EVENT,AUTHORIZATION_AND_CLEAR_EVENT]getAuthorized usersSubProfilesGet the list of Authorized usersgetAdd new Authorized userpostRemove Authorized userpostUpdate Authorized userpostUpdate Authorized user's addresspostUpdate Authorized user's phonepostupdate notification for Primary userpostAttach payment card to Authorized userpostDetach payment card to Authorized userpostGet available user's cards (not Authorized user's cards)getGet Authorized user information from card IDgetAttach financial account to Authorized userpostDetach financial account to Authorized userpostGet available financial accountsgetGet Authorized users by user's IDgetCheck Authorized user is authorizedgetCreate Payment Card for Authorized userpostUsersManagementGet Authorized user access rightsgetManage Authorized user accesspostBusiness FundingIntroduction to Business Funding APIsCreate an ApplicationRequest a Business FundinggetManage Business FundingHide Business Funding prequalified offerpostHide Business Funding datapostLoan Settings API Models OverviewgetLead and Loan statusesConnected accountsLinkedAccountConected AccountgetConnection to customer’s accountgetCreate access requestpostAccess requestsgetAccept requestpostDelete conected accountdeleteDelete conected userdeleteRetrieving Connection RequestsgetCreating User ConnectionspostRemoving User ConnectionspostRewardsUsersRewardGet rewards for usergetGet rewards for usergetGet rewards for usergetExchange pointspostExchange points for gift cardpostGet user rewards activitygetGet rewards for user as reportgetGet Rewards ReportgetTransfer from (PF) Rewards accountpostGet rewards template for usergetGet user rewards in currencygetGet user rewards in currencygetTransfer pointspostGift CardsGiftCardsGift card ordersgetBrandsgetIssue digital cardpostArchive/Restore digital carddeleteSettingsSecurityTurn on Multi-Factor Authentication for Signing InpostTurn off Multi-Factor Authentication for Signing IndeleteSetUp Common Multi-Factor SecretpostGet access historygetRemove Common Multi-Factor SecretdeleteGet Connected Devices ListgetDelete Connected DevicedeleteLogout from the apppostRemove current password and create another onepostRemove current password and create another onepostRequest QR code to add MFA in login processgetRequest Secret Key to add MFA for login, operation confirmation processesgetCheck if user already set up MFA TimeBased token or notgetUnlink connected applicationpostCustomer's informationBusiness informationpostChange email addresspostChange phone for Account HolderpostChange address (Street address, postal code, city, state) for userpostChange email associated with Primary Authorized Person and/or Beneficial Owners.postChange phone number associated with Primary Authorized Person and/or Beneficial Owners.postChange address associated with Primary Authorized Person and/or Beneficial Owners.postChange phone for Persoanl Account Holder with OTPpostChange personal address (Street address, postal code, city, state) for user with OTPpostChange personal email address with OTPpostNotificationsUser's notificationsgetCount of new notifications groupedgetMark notifications as readputGet a list of special notifications by filter's paramsgetCreate a new special notificationpostUpdate a special notificationputDelete a special notificationdeleteGet notification settingsgetSetup notification settingspostNotification Settings TypesgetPOST Notification Settings TypespostSettingsGet operations confirmation settingsgetSet operations confirmation settingspostPush token setuppostcheck exist push token devicegetGet default financial account for A2A transfersgetChange default financial account for A2A transferspostGet notification settingsgetNotification settings setuppost/settings/localizationgetSearch ATMpostGet All localization languagesget/settings/allowedModulesgetGet posgo filegetGet card product's settingsgetGet transfer's amount limitsgetWelcomeGet first name + last name of account holdergetGet first name + last name of account holdergetGet API current versiongetCustomer SupportSupportGet FAQgetGet topics for ticketsgetCreate ticketspostReopen ticketpostTicketsGet the list of all ticketsgetGet the list of new ticketsgetGet ticketgetAdd message to ticketpostAdd attachment to ticketpostGet attachment by ticketgetUpdate RequestsgetReportReportDisplay Spend Report data by customerpost/Report/externalAccountspostGet Transactions (need access to Daily Spending Report)postGet external Transfers (need access to Daily Spending Report)postGet internal transfers (need access to Daily Spending Report)postGet inter Financial Account Transfers (need access to Daily Spending Report)postEmployers ReportpostGet Cashflow history of the financial account at periodgetGet Balance history of the financial account at periodgetUserReportGet Spending report for the financial account group by Merchant CategorygetGet Spending report for the financial account group by Merchant CategorygetGet Spending report for the financial account group by Merchant Category as xlsx filegetWebhooks for partnersList of partner's webhooksgetCreate partner's webhookpostPartner's webhooks logsgetGenerate new secret for partner's webhookpostDelete partner's webhookdeleteOthersEnumsList of countriesgetList of merchant categoriesgetList of merchant categoriesgetList of delivery paymentsgetList of card type paymentsgetList of statesgetList of Reward history typesgetList of available APIgetList of available API for customergetList of available API for support usergetList of External Connected BanksgetGet all errors occur in the BankingAPIgetType of bannersgetGet all languagesgetGet all TicketTypesgetGet restore statesgetGet webhook notififcation typesgetPartners/api/Partnerspost/api/Partnersget/api/Partners/{id}get/api/Partners/{id}delete/api/Partners/accesspost/api/Partners/TransferFromProductFundingpost/api/Partners/TransferToProductFundingpostGet Available Cash Amount for Product Funding Accountget/api/Partners/PartnerByName/{name}get/api/Partners/PartnerUsageStatus/{productId}getWidgetApproved clientspostClients with pending notespostTotal rewards points awailablepostTotal Deposits/withdrawalspostTotal balancegetTotal Rewards points ConvertedgetCount the clients who didn't spend anything on [Date]getTotal spend amount by categorygetWebAPIBoardingGet statement data in json format for the periodgetMigrate profile to a new productpostGet profile's migrationsgetApprove Card Product MigrationpostEnumsGet sytem timezonesgetList of user typesgetFee/api/feesget/api/feespost/api/feesdelete/{id}/exeptional/{profileId}post/api/fees/{feeId}get/api/fees/by/{profileId}getFilesDownload user's filegetPaymentCards/api/paymentCards/atm/issuepostGet Payment card with limits datagetSettingsGet current users Allowed ModulesgetSet user's timeZonepostSet user's metadata keyValuepostUsersRewardGet Rewards ReportgetPowered by /api/fees/{feeId}get https://api.banking.netevia.dev/api/fees/{feeId}