Delete question(s) from FAQ table

The DELETE /netevia/support/faq/{id} API method is designed to remove a specific frequently asked question (FAQ) from the FAQ table in a banking application. By providing the unique identifier {id} of the question, authorized users can delete outdated or irrelevant information, ensuring that the FAQ section remains current and relevant for users seeking assistance.


  • Request Validation: The API checks that the provided {id} corresponds to an existing FAQ entry in the database.
  • Authorization Check: The API verifies that the requester has the necessary permissions to delete FAQs, ensuring that only authorized personnel can perform this action.
  • Data Deletion: Upon successful validation and authorization, the API processes the request to delete the specified FAQ entry from the database.
  • Response Preparation: A confirmation message is generated to indicate that the FAQ has been successfully removed from the system.



The DELETE /netevia/support/faq/{id} API is an essential tool for managing the FAQs within a banking application. By enabling authorized users to remove specific questions, this API ensures that the FAQ section remains accurate and relevant to users' needs. With robust validation, authorization processes, and effective feedback mechanisms, this API enhances the overall user experience by maintaining a high standard of information accessibility and quality in the support resources.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!