Get financial account by ID

The GET /api/financialAccounts/findFinancialAccount endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific financial account by providing its unique account ID. This method returns comprehensive account data, including balance, account type, and recent transaction history. It enables secure and efficient access to account-specific information, facilitating better financial management and user experience.


  • Retrieve detailed account information for a specific financial account using its unique ID.
  • Provide a transparent view of account data such as balance, account type, and transaction history.
  • Facilitate secure and efficient access to sensitive account information for authorized users.


The response provides a JSON object with details about the specific financial account, including balance, account type, and recent transactions.

Key Features:

  • Account Details: Fetches essential account details, including balance, account type, and creation date.
  • Transaction History: Provides a list of recent transactions, giving a clear view of account activity.
  • Secure Access: Ensures that sensitive financial data is only accessible to authorized users with proper authentication.
  • Efficient Financial Management: Helps users track their account details and transaction history easily and in real time.



The GET /api/financialAccounts/findFinancialAccount API method provides a secure and efficient way to access detailed information about a specific financial account using its unique ID. This includes current balance, account type, and recent transaction history, making it an essential tool for financial tracking, account management, and auditing. The method ensures authorized users can retrieve and manage account-specific data in a safe, structured format.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!