Banking API Certification

The Banking API Certification process outlines the steps required to transition from a test environment to a production environment. It ensures proper API documentation review, generation of production credentials, and updating environment variables. This certification process helps guarantee smooth deployment, operational integrity, and secure use of the Banking API in the production environment

Steps to Move from Test Version to Production Version of the Banking API

Transitioning from the test environment to the production environment involves several crucial steps to ensure smooth deployment and operational integrity. Below is a detailed guide outlining the steps, APIs used, and examples of client identifiers in the test environment.

1. Review API Documentation

  • Objective: Ensure that there are no differences between the test and production versions of the API. Verify that all the endpoints, parameters, and response formats remain the same.
  • Actions:
    • Cross-check the production API documentation for differences (e.g., headers, response structure, rate limits) from the test version.
    • Note any changes or additional authentication requirements in the production environment.

2. Generate Production API Keys and Credentials

  • Objective: Obtain new API keys or other necessary credentials specific to the production environment.
  • Actions:

3. Update Environment Variables

  • Objective: Modify the environment configuration files (e.g., .env or config files) to replace test credentials and endpoints with production credentials and endpoints.
  • Actions:
    • Update your environment variables to point to production URLs.
      • Test Environment URL:
      • Production Environment URL:
    • Replace test API keys, tokens, and endpoints with production ones.

Examples of your API requests (clients) in a test environment

1. Your client's Id submitted via API

2. Financial account id from your client's

3. Payee request your client's

4. Transfer id from your client's Id to own customer (internal transfer)

5. Transfer id from your client's Id to external customer (ACH transfer)

Optional steps:

6. Connect external bank account (Plaid/Finicity)

7. Transfer from external bank account (Plaid/Finicity)

8. Transfer to external bank account (Plaid/Finicity)

By following these steps, you ensure a smooth transition from the test environment to the production environment while minimizing risks and maintaining security integrity.